Andrew Noble Prentice was born on 20 April 1866 in Greenock, the son of Thomas Prentice (1830 - 1908) and Jessie McAlpine (b 1829).
He attended the University of Glasgow before being articled to William Leiper from November 1883 to 1888, remaining as assistant for a few months after completing his apprenticeship.
In the latter year, he won the Soane Medallion, which together with family money enabled him to undertake extensive travels over the following two years. He set off in February 1889, his first port of call being Malta, after which he toured Italy, Sicily, and France. He returned in August,1889 and it appears that he may have made an inquiry about entering the RA Schools at that time. He was certainly in contact with R PhenŽ Spiers, who advised him to undertake a further study tour, this time of Spain, which lasted from November of that year until June 1890.
His studies in Spain were published in 1893 as the folio 'Renaissance Architecture and Ornament in Spain', dedicated to the Queen Regent, Dona Maria Christina.
He died on 23 December 1941 in Llandudno. He left an Estate valued at £43,960 (equivalent to £2,225,700 in 2020). This also included £6,000 which was left to the Royal Institute of British Architects to provide travelling associated ships or student ships to Spain, and also for books for the library of the Institute.
Related Tag: Architecture Prints
Sources: Wikipaedia and Scottisharchitects.org.uk