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Antiquarian Print Shop

Storytime, Dickens Charles, Mrs Gamp, Martin Chuzzlewit, Kyd, Clarke Joseph Clayton, 1837-839

Storytime, Dickens Charles, Mrs Gamp, Martin Chuzzlewit, Kyd, Clarke Joseph Clayton, 1837-839

Regular price $80.00 AUD
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Date: 1837-1839

Artist: Clarke, Joseph Clayton," Kyd"

Author: Dickens Charles

Novel: Martin Chuzzlewit

Paper Size: 185 x 253mm


Condition: very good

Price: $80

Description: Beautiful original chromolithograph


This print comes from a series of Character sketches from Charles Dickens novels, Portrayed by Kyd in a series of watercolour sketches.

Mrs. Gamp

She was a fat old woman, this Mrs. Gamp, with a husky voice and a moist eye, which she had a remarkable power of turning up, and only showing the white of it.
Having very little neck, it cost her some trouble to look over herself, if one may say so, at those to whom she talked. She wore a very rusty black gown, rather the worse for snuff, and a shawl and bonnet to correspond.
In these dilapidated articles of dress she had, on principle, arrayed herself, time out of mind, on such occasions as the present; for this at once expressed a decent amount of veneration for the deceased, and invited the next of kin to present her with a fresher suit of weeds; an appeal so frequently successful, that the very fetch and ghost of Mrs. Gamp, bonnet and all, might be seen hanging out, any hour in the day, in at least a dozen of the second-hand clothes shops about Holborn.
The face of Mrs. Gamp--the nose in particular--was somewhat red and swollen, and it was difficult to enjoy her society without becoming conscious of a smell of spirits. Like most persons who have attained to great eminence in their profession, she took to hers very kindly; insomuch that, setting aside her natural predilections as a woman, she went to a lying-in or a laying-out with equal zest 


[Kyd] Joseph Clayton Clarke (1856-1937)

Clarke worked under the pseudonym “Kyd”, he was a British artist best known for his illustrations of characters from the novels of Charles Dickens.

Born in Onchan on the Isle of Man, the son of Lauris and Eliza Clark, Clarke had many occupations during his lifetime, including designer of cigarette cards and postcards, and as a fore-edge painter principally specializing in characters from the works of Charles Dickens. He worked for Punch for only one day and then as a freelance artist until 1900.”As a character ‘Kyd’ emulated those of Dickens and his own illustrations – slightly larger than life. In his style and dress he was mildly flamboyant for the period. He seldom varied his attire from a grey suit, spats, homburg hat, gloves and was never without a carnation or substitute flower in his button hole.”

 Around 1892, Clarke moved with his family to Chichester in West Sussex.















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Print comes from Character sketches from Charles Dickens, Portrayed by Kyd in a series of watercolour sketches.


Joseph Clayton Clarke (1856-7 - 1937)

Clarke worked under the pseudonym "Kyd." he was a British artist best known for his illustrations of characters of the Charles Dickens Novels.

He was born in Peel on the Isle of Man. in 1889, he married Agnes Roberts and they had 9 children. He was also a designer of cigarette cards and postcards  


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